CB clutch or brake construction consists of a neoprene and cord actuating tube which is bonded to the outer steel rim. The rim is drilled for mounting to the driving component (or reaction bracket in the case of a CB brake application). Friction shoe assemblies (FSA’s) are attached to the inside diameter of the tube with shoe pins which are then retained with lockwires.
As air pressure is applied to the air actuating tube, the tube inflates, forcing the friction shoe assemblies uniformly against the drum which is attached to the driven component. In the case where the CB element is being used as a clutch and is attached to the driving shaft,through the element mounting component (typically an iron spider), through the rim/tube structure to the friction shoe assemblies,where the torque is trnasmitted through the friction couple to the components mounted on the driven shaft (clutch drum and drum mount- ing component). As actuating air is exhausted, the resiliency of the tube, aided by centrifugal force when used as a clutch, retracts theshoes, resulting in total disengagement.